Anti Plastic Brigade
Charitable Trust

We are an organzation working mainly for solid waste management along with other green endeavours since 2017

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About Us

Anti Plastic Brigade charitable trust is a registered Non Govermental Organzation from the city of Thane working mainly for Solid Waste Management along with other Green Activities since 2017.

Waste management reduces the effect of waste on the environment, health, and so on. It can also help reuse or recycle resources, such as; paper, cans, glass, and so on. There is various type of waste management that include the disposal of solid, liquid, gaseous, or hazardous substances.

Our organisation strives to create awareness among people about the harmful effects caused by the incorrect disposal of plastic and other waste on our environment. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is our motto


38k+ kgs

Dry waste collected

2.5k+ kgs

Thermocol collected

725k+ kgs

E-waste collected


Collection Drives


Collaborations with socities





Anti Plastic Brigade Charitable Trust and its Green Brigadiers were appreciated for their tireless efforts in SWM & convincing people about importance of RECYCLING. In June 2020 they were awarded with certificate of appreciation as TMC secured 1st position in 'MAJHI VASUNDHARA ABHIYAN 2020-21' in MAHARASHTRA

Media Recongnition

News papers like Maharashtra Times, Lokmat, Hindustan Times along with News Channels such as ABP Maza have taken coginzance of the green efforts of our organization

What we Do

Awareness Programs

We conduct awareness programs to alert people about the adverse effects on the environement due to excessive use of plastic and its incorrect disposal especially of the plasti bags and making available cloth bags as an alternative to it.

Waste Collection Drives

Conduct waste collection and segregation drives for proper disposal of the WET, DRY and HAZARDOUS waste along with Clean and Dry Plastic waste, Thermocol and E-Waste Collection Drives. We also encourage people to compost their wet waste.

Plantation Drives

Conduct Plantation Drives and year long lectures on Home Gardening and Biodiversity programs.

Nature Trails

Organise Nature Trails, Field Trips and other environment related activities.

Our Initiatives

We conduct various awareness programs on Solid Waste Management, Weekly Thermacol and Fortnightly Clean and Dry waste collection drives, Under APB's Green Study Tour we go on field trips and nature walks with our volunteers to learn and get hands on experience of various techniques



Hetal Gala

President and Trustee

Anuja Gupte


Vikas Desai
